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India Builds Chandrakot Campus in Gulmi District

Posted on: February 12, 2020

Press Release

 India Builds Chandrakot Campus in Gulmi District

  Today, Chandrakot Campus, built with the Government of India’s assistance, was inaugurated at Chandrakot Rural Municipality in Gulmi District. Dr. Praphullachandra Sharma, Counsellor (Development Partnership) represented the Embassy of India. Chief of Chandrakot Rural Municipality Mr. Drona Bahadur Khatri, District Coordination Officer, Mr. Bhaktiram Marasini and local political and community leaders also attended the inauguration.

 Chandrakot Campus was established in 2008 at the initiative of local peoples with aimed at imparting higher education to students who are unable to pursue their higher education in cities like Palpa, Butwal, and Kathmandu etc. due to poor economic conditions. The Campus is a community based Campus affiliated to Tribhuvan University and is providing Bachelor in Humanities, Management and Social Science. Over 90% of the students studying in the Campus are girls. The establishment of this campus has fulfilled the aspirations of the economically poor and socially backward students, in particular girls’ students, who were deprived of higher education in the absence of a college in the region.

The new campus building constructed with Government of India’s grant assistance of NRs. 40.99 million, is a triple storied building comprising of twelve class rooms, office building and separate sanitation facilities for boys and girls on each floor. The project was being implemented by District Coordination Committee, Gulmi.

 The newly built infrastructures are expected to boost learning environment of students.  Government of India is happy to be associated with the project which compliments effort of Government of Nepal in augmenting infrastructure in the field of education.

  Kathmandu, Nepal

12 February, 2020


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